miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

A tale for a Prince

He was born almost 120 years ago, but the story of the Ratoncito Pérez, this small rodent that was leaving presents and coins for the children who lost a tooth and let it underneath their pillow at night, is still alive today for the little ones.
This character was created by the writer and Spanish journalist Luis Coloma in1894 in his children’s book for Alfonso XIII when he was 8 years old, because one of his teeth fell out.
The writer then invented the story of a small mouse who showed to the king Budi (stage name for Alfonso XIII) the misery in which the poor children from Madrid where living, and who he was giving a present to when their teeth fell out.
We recommend you read this fairytale.

The Ratoncito Pérez is a very popular tradition in Spain and Latin America, although it has several names depending on the countries: la Petite Souris (the small mouse) in France, Topolino in Italy and in Anglo-Saxon countries it stops being a mouse to become the tooth fairy.

His character was so important that the research engine Google created a Doodle to pay homage to the Ratoncito Pérez and his creator Luis Coloma. His story was even brought to the big screen in 2006 inthe animation film “Pérez, el ratoncito de tus sueños” (The Hairy Tooth Fairy). Also, in the city of Madrid there is a commemorative plaque where Luis Coloma said the rodent was living, on number 8 Arenal street. So, if you are in Madrid you can visit his house and have a look at this special plaque.