martes, 3 de enero de 2017


The Second Republic was proclaimed during a period of worldwide economic depression.
In spite of the high hopes, the Republican authorities had to struggle with rising unemployment and poverty.

There was increasing violence between the called "left and right" ideologies and differents groups in the streets.

This helped the development of the fascist-inspired Falange Española a National party led by José Antonio Primo de Rivera, the son of the former dictator, Miguel Primo de Rivera. Although it only received 0.7 percent of the votes in the election, by July 1936 the Falange had 40,000 members.
José Antonio Primo de Rivera was taken to jail since 1936 due to the violent attacks in the streets.

A group of Nacionalists, including Juan de la Cierva, General Emilio Mola, General Queipo de Llano and General Francisco Franco were conspiring against the democratic government of Popular Front (left parties) elected on 16th of February of 1936.

General Francisco Franco led an army uprising in July in Spanish Morocco.
Spain was dramatically divided into 2 different sides: Republicans and Nacionalists and fight during three long years of death and heartbreak.


Republicans (coalition of liberals, socialists, anarchists, and communists, which was backed by the Soviet Union)

Nationalists (pro-church, Army-backed “Nationalist” forces supported by Nazi Germany and Italy)